Hunting Law ("Official Gazette" no. 99/18, 32/19, 32/20, hereinafter: HL) is a special law that regulates the issue of hunting and game management (lex specialis) in the Republic of Croatia, while the provisions of the Civil Obligations Act (lex generalis) apply in terms of causes and liability for game damage.
The Act on the protection of whistleblowers (OG 46/22, hereinafter: the Act) entered into force in April 2022, and it was adopted due to the need to harmonize national legislation with the acquis communautaire, i.e. harmonization and harmonization with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of persons reporting on breaches of Union law from October 23rd 2019.
In the article published on our website - Publications: Establishment of a limited liability company in the Republic of Croatia (published on: 02.04.2023) we wrote about the procedure for establishing a limited liability company in the Republic of Croatia and stated that it is the most common form of company in Republic of Croatia. Such a company can be founded by one or more natural or legal persons who contribute to the share capital, which amounts to at least EUR 2,500.00, with the said amount of share capital referring exclusively to Croatian citizens and citizens of the European Economic Area, while for citizens of third countries, special rules apply
A limited liability company (hereinafter: LLC or a company) is an organizational form of a commercial company founded by one or more persons who perform activities under a common name (company). The umbrella law that legally regulates this form of trading companies is the Trading Companies Act ("Official Gazette" no. 111/93, 34/99, 121/99, 52/00, 118/03, 107/07, 146/08., 137/09., 152/11. - official consolidated text, 111/12., 125/11., 68/13., 110/15., 40/19., 34/22., 114/22., 18/23., hereinafter: TCA).
WHICH LAW REGULATES CROATIAN CITIZENSHIP, ITS ACQUISITION AND LOSS CONDITIONS? Croatian citizenship, more precisely conditions for its acquisition and loss, is regulated by the Law on Croatian Citizenship (OG 53/91, 70/91, 28/92, 113/93, 4/94, 130/11, 110/15, 102/19, 138/21, hereinafter: the Law) which entered into force on October 8, 1991. This day is celebrated in the Republic of Croatia as a commemoration - the Day of the Croatian Parliament, in memory of the day when the Croatian Parliament in 1991 unanimously adopted a decision to break all state-legal ties of the Republic of Croatia with the former state of Yugoslavia. The Parliament determined that the Republic of Croatia no longer considers anybody of the former SFRY legitimate or legal, and that it does not recognize as valid any legal act of anybody that acts on behalf of the former federation, which no longer exists as such. This important decision of the Parliament was made after the three-month moratorium on the Croatian Constitutional decision on independence and sovereignty, which was adopted by the Parliament on June 25, 1991, had expired the day before.
Acquisition of Croatian citizenship based on emigration is one of the legal bases for acquiring Croatian citizenship by naturalization, which is legally regulated by the provision of Article 11 of the Croatian Citizenship Act (Official Gazette nr 53/91, 70/91, 28/92, 113/93, 4/94, 130/11, 110/15, 102/19, 138/21, hereinafter: CCA).
The authors of this article analyze the legal consequences of the termination of the building right in relation to the lien it burdens and what legal consequences vary depending on whether the building was constructed based on the building right or not.
Particularly interesting is the legal situation of creating a computer program in employment relationship with an employer – namely, according to Article 108 of the Copyright law, when a computer program is created by a worker in the performance of business obligations or following the instructions of the employer, it is the employer who by the law acquires exclusive property right such a program, unless otherwise specified in the contract between the worker and the employer.