The European Blue Card is a residence and work permit that allows third-country nationals to live and work in the member states of the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) if they meet certain conditions. The main objective of the European Blue Card is to attract highly skilled workers from third countries to contribute to the economic development of the EU. The permit is issued under simplified conditions compared to the standard residence and work permit.
According to the Labor Law (Article 76 and 77), an employee has the right to paid annual leave for each calendar year, lasting at least four weeks. However, minors and employees working in jobs where, despite the application of health and safety measures, it is not possible to protect the worker from harmful influences, have the right to annual leave lasting at least five weeks. Similarly, individuals with disabilities have the right to paid annual leave lasting at least five weeks for each calendar year. Nonetheless, through a collective agreement, an agreement between the workers' council and the employer, work regulations, or an employment contract, the duration of annual leave longer than the minimum prescribed can be determined. In cases where a right from the employment relationship (in this case, annual leave) is differently regulated by these sources of law, the most favorable right is applicable to the employee. It should be noted that an employee who is newly employed or who has a break between two employment relationships longer than eight days gains the right to full annual leave only after six months of uninterrupted employment with that employer.